Would You Date a Machine?

FTP004: Would You Date a Machine?

Science fiction can be awesome for imagining the future. Everybody loves a good story, and movies are one of the best mediums to tell stories. Though sometimes they aren't as scientifically accurate as they could be, movies are still great at visualizing futurist ideas and communicating them in a way that is accessible to everyone... [READ MORE]

Spoiler alert! This podcast episode has “HER” movie spoilers. The blog post below does not.

Science fiction can be awesome for imagining the future. Everybody loves a good story, and movies are one of the best mediums to tell stories. Though sometimes they aren’t as scientifically accurate as they could be, movies are still great at visualizing futurist ideas and communicating them in a way that is accessible to everyone.

In this episode, Mike and Euvie do a bit of a review of the recently released futurist movie HER. The film is about a guy having a romantic relationship with an Artificial Intelligence – an operating system.

They also talk about the implications of having such an AI, and discuss other upcoming sci fi movies that focus on the topics of Technological Singularity, Artificial Intelligence, and humanity’s relationship with intelligent machines of the future.

[bctt tweet=”We’re only here briefly and while I’m here I want to allow myself joy. -Amy from ‘Her’ Movie” username=”futurethinkers_”]

In this episode of the Future Thinkers Podcast:

  • Relationships between humans and AI – are they possible?
  • Will future AIs have human values? What is an AI’s capacity for love?
  • Humans uploading themselves online and merging with AI
  • Communication between AIs – will they just merge together into a super AI?
  • Creating an AI that plants seeds of life and starts new waves of evolution

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