FTP040: Dr. Kirby Surprise – Ayahuasca, Shamanism, and Synchronicity
Dr. Kirby Surprise talks about ayahuasca, shamanism, magic, and how these tools can be used to understand the unconscious mind and change our reality
FTP039: Dr. Jordan Peterson – Archetypes, Psychedelics and Enlightenment
Dr. Jordan Peterson talks about archetypes and how they apply to personal development, the value of psychedelics, and Jung’s definition of enlightenment
FTP038: Dr. Jordan Peterson – Failed Utopias, Mapping the Mind, and Finding Meaning
Professor of psychology Jordan B. Peterson talks about the pitfalls of modern political and philosophical ideologies, mapping the mind, and finding meaning
FTP037: Dr. Kirby Surprise – The Science Behind Synchronicity
Psychologist Dr. Kirby Surprise talks about the scientific explanation of synchronicity, the art of unlocking your mind through meaningful coincidence
FTP036: Daniel Schmachtenberger – Global Phase Shift
Danial Schmachtenberger on humanity’s phase shift, complex global systems, sustainability, decentralization, and finding your purpose.
Blockchain: The Collective Planetary Brain
Blockchain as a collective planetary brain. Voice by Vince Meens. Produced by Future Thinkers. Sponsored by Aeternity.
FTP035: Duncan Trussell – Manipulating Reality
Duncan Trussell on manipulating reality, psychedelics, magick, the dangers of the astral realm, and the importance of loving yourself and others
FTP034: Duncan Trussell – Apocalypse and Cognitive Vertigo of Reality
Duncan Trussell talks about the apocalypse, climate change, terrorism, existential risk, propaganda, and how psychedelics can lift the veil of Maya illusion
FTP033: Vince Meens – Blockchain – The Building Blocks for a New Society
Blockchain technology has been making its way into the mainstream over the last year. Far from its anarchist-leaning Bitcoin beginnings, it has been getting adopted by large banks and governments like Dubai.
FTP032: Aric Dromi – Smart Cities of The Future
Smart cities of the future: Aric Dromi, the futurologist at Volvo, talks about how VR, AI, and Blockchain will transform our cities in the coming decade