Blockchain: The Collective Planetary Brain
Blockchain as a collective planetary brain. Voice by Vince Meens. Produced by Future Thinkers. Sponsored by Aeternity.
FTP029: The Death of The DAO – Codifying Ethics on The Blockchain
The attack on The DAO, the fork, and what it means for the future of Ethereum other decentralized blockchain projects and cryptocurrencies.
FTP016: Vitalik Buterin – What is Ethereum and How to Build a Decentralized Future
In this episode, we invited Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, to talk about the applications and implications of this highly promising new decentralized platform.
Ethereum is meant to eliminate the middlemen in many industries… [READ MORE]
FTP011: Bitcoin and Blockchain and Basic Income, Oh My!
In the last 15 years, many industries were turned upside-down by the rise of peer-to-peer technologies for sharing information. Napster changed the face of the music industry. Search engines allowed everyone to find information in an instant. Social media networks allowed us to form virtual tribes and start huge movements. All of these were disruptive technologies: they offered a new paradigm for producing and sharing information. Unlike the broadcast era, suddenly anyone could produce, share, and spread information…[READ MORE]