Our guest in this episode is Donald Hoffman, a cognitive psychologist who studies consciousness, visual perception and evolutionary psychology using mathematical models and psychophysical experiments.
Donald is the author of several books, the latest one being The case against reality.
In this interview we talk about Donald’s scientific theory of consciousness, which he refers to as ‘conscious realism.’
We discuss why we don’t see reality as it is, what experiments demonstrate this and the role of spiritual practices in how we perceive reality.
[bctt tweet=”Humans have consistent pattern of getting things wrong. – @DonalddHoffman” username=”futurethinkers_”]
In This Episode Of Future Thinkers:
- The successes and failures of cognitive neuroscience
- What is conscious realism and who are conscious agents
- What is collective consciousness according to this theory
- Why evolution by natural selection does not favor seeing reality as it is
- Approaching human consciousness as a ‘user interface’
- What is death and how it affects our consciousness
- What is scientific spirituality and what is the role of meditation in perceiving reality
- Experiments and examples which show that our sensing are not reporting the truth
- Panpsychism vs. conscious realism
- What is free choice and how it relates to the dynamic of conscious agents
- What prevents us from having control over reality and our user interface
[bctt tweet=”No scientist can say we have a theory that explains everything. There are always miracles at the foundation. – @DonalddHoffman” username=”futurethinkers_”]
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Do We See Reality As It Is? | Donald Hoffman, TED Talk
- Are You Living In A Computer Simulation? by Nick Bostrom
- Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems
Recommended Books:
- The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid The Truth From Our Eyes, by Donald Hoffman
- Conscious: A Brief Guide To The Fundamental Mystery Of The Mind, by Annaka Harris
- Free Will by Sam Harris