FTP013: The Future of Conscious Evolution: Eliminating Discrimination
“We are running on outdated software”, “operating cavemen brains in a technologically advanced society”.
For thousands of years, our environment changed very slowly. Parents and children had more or less the same lives. Now we live in a world of exponential technological chance. Borders are becoming blurry and social groups increasingly distributed. What was once an adaptive mental process that helped us make snap judgements and quick decisions is now considered a major detriment… [READ MORE]
FTP012: The Future Of Marketing is Storytelling
In the 20th century, with the rise of mass media came a time when companies could broadcast their marketing messages far and wide to millions of people. It didn’t matter if the message was relevant to each person, because as long as a small percentage of people bought the product, it was worth it. Companies also figured out that they could convince more people to buy their product by playing on people’s fears and insecurities. Inadequacy marketing was born… [READ MORE]
FTP011: Bitcoin and Blockchain and Basic Income, Oh My!
In the last 15 years, many industries were turned upside-down by the rise of peer-to-peer technologies for sharing information. Napster changed the face of the music industry. Search engines allowed everyone to find information in an instant. Social media networks allowed us to form virtual tribes and start huge movements. All of these were disruptive technologies: they offered a new paradigm for producing and sharing information. Unlike the broadcast era, suddenly anyone could produce, share, and spread information…[READ MORE]
FTP010: Nikola Danaylov from Singularity 1 on 1 – Shaping Our Own Future
Nikola talked to us about his experience at The Singularity University, and about how formal education is not really a necessity in certain fields today. We also talk about success and failure as an integral component of it.
FTP009: The Future of Education: How To Find Your Life’s Work
A common life script that we’re all familiar with, and that many of us followed, is to go to university or college to study something we’re interested in, graduate with a degree, and then step out to the real world expecting the perfect job to be there waiting for us. That’s what our teachers and parents taught us, because that’s how it was in their time. But let’s face it, the system doesn’t really work that way anymore….[READ MORE]
FTP008: Jon Myers and Terry Lin – The Future of Work and Entrepreneurship
Many of us are societally conditioned to follow a certain life script: go to school, get a degree, go into debt, get a corporate job, get married, buy a house, go into more debt, be unhealthy, retire, do some things you’ve always wanted to do, and then die. Of course, there is nothing wrong…[READ MORE]
FTP007: Jesse Lawler – Transhumanism and Technological Evolution
It’s interesting how even in today’s modern world of rapid technological progress, there are still people who view the modification of organisms – be it through implants in the human body or genetic engineering of plants – as barbaric or crazy. Then we see the same people going to the dentist or eating sweet juicy apples… [READ MORE]
FTP006: What Makes You YOU? Individuality, Consciousness and The Borg
What makes you YOU? Is it your personal preferences? The things you own? The things you do? The things you create? Your consciousness or soul?
Or could it be that none of us are really all that unique, and we just think we are because our own experience is the only one we have access to? [READ MORE]
FTP005: Minecraft, Virtual Reality, and The Simulation Hypothesis
When you start questioning the nature of human experience – how or why we perceive things the way we do, – very quickly, what we think of reality begins to unravel. You realize that most of “reality” is constructed in our minds. Our brains are always being selective about what they focus on and what they ignore completely, meaning that we can disregard a huge amount of information. And vice versa, our brains are filling in the blanks in order to make sense of what’s happening… [READ MORE]
FTP004: Would You Date a Machine?
Science fiction can be awesome for imagining the future. Everybody loves a good story, and movies are one of the best mediums to tell stories. Though sometimes they aren’t as scientifically accurate as they could be, movies are still great at visualizing futurist ideas and communicating them in a way that is accessible to everyone… [READ MORE]