FTP003: The Fermi Paradox – Why Don’t We Have Convincing Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life?
The Fermi Paradox states that on one hand, the probability of alien civilizations is high. On the other hand, we don’t have any convincing evidence that such civilizations do exist. There are many proposed explanations for this paradox – some of them quite simple, some complex, and some outright bizarre… [READ MORE]
FTP002: Creativity, The Singularity, and The Meaning of Life
When I went to school (both in Russia and in Canada), “creative” subjects like art and music were considered to be some of the least important in the curriculum. On the other hand, subjects like math and science were over-emphasized, and positioned like career subjects. Now being an adult, I see how backwards that is. More and more, I find that creativity – especially creative problem solving – is a major keys to success… [READ MORE]
FTP001: Technology, Spirituality, and Artificial Intelligence
There are many dystopian scenarios that people come up with when they think about future Artificial Intelligence. The Matrix, Terminator, and many other pop culture examples come to mind. Of course, they’re just movies – but they do reflect a fear that many people have of AI getting out of control and taking over the world…