FTP120: Q&A With Joe Brewer
Joe Brewer’s work is centered around regenerative cultures. He travels around the world, studying different practices that contribute to the regeneration of the environment and communities.
FTP119: Bonnitta Roy – Ego & Group Practices
Author, teacher and philosopher Bonnitta Roy talks about group processes, ego deconstruction in groups, and evolving our spiritual capacities from past.
FTP118: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
In this episode we are discussing what effects the COVID-19 pandemic is having on global systems, what societal changes and opportunities arise from it, and how individual can cope with this situation.
FTP116, 117: Derek Sivers – Hell Yeah or No
Writer, programmer and entrepreneur Derek Sivers on learning, growth, minimalism, breaking loyalties, and daily practices for increasing self-knowledge.
FTP115: Ken Wilber – The Flaws of Integral Theory
In the last part of our interview with Ken Wilber we discuss the potential flaws of Integral Theory and Integral movement, as well as the problem of charismatic leaders who have a lot of unchecked shadow material.
FTP113, 114: Ken Wilber – Practices for Higher Stages of Development
Philisopher Ken Wilber discusses useful practices for waking up, growing up, cleaning up and showing up for life, and the pros and cons of going through this process.
FTP111, 112: Ken Wilber – What’s The Problem With The World Today?
Ken Wilber talks about the Integral Theory, Greta Thunberg’s climate activism, Jordan Peterson’s awakening process, and moving to higher stages of human development to solve global issues.
FTP110: Q&A with John Vervaeke
John Vervaeke answers questions live in the first in a series of Q&As with Future Thinkers podcast guests.
Deconstructing Identity – Adapt to the Future #01
How getting defensive and identifying with our ideas, roles and groups, prevents us from communicating, collaborating, and relating better to others.
Future Thinkers Launch A New Video Series on Adapting to A Changing World
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’re nearly 8 billion people on the planet, facing some major social, political, economic and environmental problems. Many of us want to do something about it but we feel stuck and unsure of what to do. We’re struggling to find the right action to take on issues like conflict, poverty, the destruction of nature, and […]