FTP104: Retreat Center Vision & Other New Projects

FTP104: Retreat Center Vision & Other New Projects

In this episode we are discussing our vision for a retreat center for exploring the ideas and practices we talk about on the podcast and in our courses.

We’ve been diving deep into several projects lately – growing our courses, designing a brand new meditation app, starting the global Future Thinkers meetup initiative, and brainstorming the creation of an in-person retreat center for exploring the ideas and practices we talk about on the podcast and in our courses.

In this episode we discuss our vision for this retreat center, why we want to create it, and what we want to do there. This is still in a very early stage and a work in progress.

We want to share our intention and invite you to collaborate with us on this idea if you feel inspired by it.

In This Episode of Future Thinkers:

  • Why we need more of human innovation rather than tech innovation
  • The in-person component of transformative practices
  • Designing spaces for various states of consciousness
  • Guided, curated and self-directed programs for different needs and lifestyles
  • The importance of integrating personal evolution work into everyday life and real-world action
  • Exploring self-sustainability, resilience and adaptability to different scenarios for the future
  • Why we are considering Bulgaria as a location

[bctt tweet=”The next Buddha will be a Sangha – Thich Nhat Nanh” username=”futurethinkers_”]

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