FTP135: Rites of Passage Q&A with Michael Meade

FTP135: Rites of Passage Q&A with Michael Meade

Storyteller, scholar and author Michael Meade answers questions from the Future Thinkers Members on the role of rites of passage in today's world.

In this episode, we have a Q&A session with Michael Meade and Future Thinkers members on the topic of rites of passage and their role in today’s world.

Michael Meade is a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. He is also the founder of Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, a nonprofit network of artists, activists, and community builders that encourages greater understanding between diverse peoples. His podcast Living Myth looks at our changing world from a mythic perspective.

In This Episode of Future Thinkers:

  • The use of rites of passage in today’s societies
  • What old rites fit into modern world and what new ones need to be devised
  • The difference between the rites of passage for men and women
  • Collective rites of passage and how to navigate them today
  • The value of teachers as facilitators of awakening of young people and cultural renewal
  • The relationship between rites of passage, money and time
  • The role of elders as mentors and the lack of mentoring practices today
  • How individuals can create the conditions to enter a community through in the state of isolation
  • Collective trauma and how the moment of communitas occur in a society

The culture remake itself when it engages young people.

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